Category: Ghost Costume

The Circle of Life

Two of my most cherished projects are soon coming to an end and I’m finding myself thinking about what new projects I will fill my time with first.

Here’s an update: 

1. Vivian – still working on the hood.  I added a full 30 rows of the pattern to make the hood larger and need to finish the rest of the rows according to the pattern.  Somehow the last few rows always take the longest!  There’s a part of me that doesn’t want to finish since I’ve enjoyed it so much.  But, I am excited to finally wear it someday!  Speaking of finishing – I picked up some of the finishing details at the fabric store the other day.  Zipper, thread and ribbon to line the zipper pictured below:

Vivan Zipper

2. Playdate Hoodie – I got over my mental block that was keeping me from seeming the sleeves and sides.  And I found the perfect buttons.  I have to work on the hood now too…. it’s a race, who will finish first?  Playdate Hoodie or Vivian?  I’m taking bets.  It’s pretty snug on my son.  It maybe a perfect fit for my dear friend, Marisa‘s, baby though 🙂

playdate hoodie

playdate hoodie

Here are two of the newest projects that I started that will stretch my crafty skills a bit.

1.  Ghost costume!  I got some white flowy material to make Christopher (my nearly 3 year old) a ghost costume for halloween.  I have little to no experience sewing, so this should be interesting.  It’s basic shapes though, so it shouldn’t be too hard right?  I’m taking bets again… will I butcher this and have to go buy a costume last minute, or will it turn out ok?

Ghost costume

2.  Crochet Scarf – I came across this gorgeous scarf on moonstitches blog and just had to go out and get yarn to start it immediately.  My sister-in-law tracked down a version of the pattern made by someone else trying to recreate this scarf.  You can find it on Ravelry, just look up “rhubarb scarf“.  She started one too and hers is GORGEOUS!  I’m not 100% thrilled with the colors though.  I will probably put this project on hold until I find the perfect yarn.

crochet 006

Can’t wait until knit night tonight 🙂