Category: mother bear

Pirate Elijah Elephant


First and foremost, sorry for my lack of posting lately.  It directly correlates to a lack of knitting, unfortunately.  But, it’s all for a good cause – you see… I’m pregnant!  Yep, I’m working on creating baby #2 and let me tell you, those first three months have been all consuming.  I have had no energy or drive to do much besides sleep and eat.  I just started my second trimester and I’m starting to have some good days where I feel “normal”! 

I finished my Elijah elephant designed my my favorite designer, Ysolda Teague!  This is the first project that I’ve finished in 3 months!  I’m putting a pirate spin on it though, maybe you can tell by the stripes.  I’m working on an eye patch and a little tattered vest in black as well.  The stripes were a little hard to work with but I really like the effect.  This toy is for my 3 year old, so while I love the pattern as written, I felt like it needed a little more edge to it for my toddler going on 6 year old son.  I gave it to him already, he seemed to like it… at first.  Is it a bad sign if he tries to give it away to each person he runs into… including the dog??

I used shepherd’s wool with size 4 needles – this proved to be very difficult.  Ysolda says to use smaller needles than the yarn calls for so that the stuffing doesn’t peek through, but this was a little overkill.  It made it very hard to pick up stitches for the appendages and overall just added to the difficulty level and my happiness – or unhappiness – level with the project. 

What’s next? I’m making a mother bear project bear right now and I bought Ysolda’s Sophie pattern too (a very sweet little bunny).  With all these toys it’s apparent that my little family addition project is influencing my knitting projects 🙂  I can’t wait to find out if I’m going to have a boy or girl next month!!